Tuesday, August 12, 2008

New Favorite

I don't hide the fact that I carry a rather large chip on my shoulder about Hollywood. I make it my business to avoid entertainment news, so as to not give people like Paris Hilton, Spencer "Flesh-Beard" Pratt et al. any more attention than they already usurp. My sister gives me great amount of grief over my cynicism.
"You don't even know her," she'll sneer when I retch at the sight of a particularly nauseous specimen of satan spawn (e.g., Heidi Whatsherjizz from "The Hills").

This would be a lady who coos about how much she loves Johnny Depp or some such. I mean, Johnny Depp is a great actor, and I find him devastatingly handsome, but it's a thin line between love and hate, is it not? Does she know Johnny Depp? Think not.

(NB: I will park my ass on the couch--and only get up for pizza or cool ranch doritos, if I encounter an MTv marathon of the scripted reality train wreck starring L.C. and her repellant cast of sycophantic friends. As this is me choosing to pay attention to the motley crew--it's like smoking a cigarette-- I feel justified in my holier-than-thou contempt of the same group of people when they dare step outside the lovely boundary of their half-hour allotted time. Say, when the local news takes away five minutes of my life focusing on how L.C.'s Made-in-China designs are hitting the boutiques, and later, the skids.)

Because I acknowledge this seemingly hypocritical character flaw, I admit freely that I am a fan of "The Soup" (and have been since before the "Talk" was dropped), and while I do not frequent Perez Hilton and Co. or TMZ, I do keep up with the Fug Girls, at both their "Fashion" Blog and their cybercolumn at NY Mag, New York Fugging City. (Celebrity smokey treat!)

Anycrap, if the The Fug Girls are smokers, I'm sending in cartons for introducing me to the answer for all those body-image issues I had in high school:

Glossed Over.

Tres Delect. Some brave soul took the time and the risk to actually read, purchase and digest everything Hollywood and the advertising world think I need to know, and I will savor every juicy morsel. (Puff, Puff, Puff)


  1. I must say, this is quite a turn around from your G-rings days. For all the time you and mamanda spent on OK! you probably could have turned out at least one novel...

  2. it's true. I used to be a ragazine addict (I blame small town boredom), but I've been clean for the past few years.

  3. LC? who the eff?

    also, not like gawker needs another plug, but they is funny little shits.

    even if you don't have cable, a la yours truly.
